Looking for a job? Be intentional.

If you are currently unemployed then you need to treat your job search like a job.  Not a part-time job, but like a full-time job.  Are you REALLY putting in 40 hours a week?  I know that sounds like a lot of time but you do NEED a job, right?

  • Let’s look at the things you should / could be doing:
  • Looking for positions.  Better yet, set up a few Google Alerts to do the searching for you.
  • Reading news related to your industry or profession.
  • Reading professional development books / articles.
  • Adding connections on Twitter, FB and LinkedIn.
  • Staying in touch with your connections.
  • Attend networking events.
  • Post to Twitter, FB and LinkedIn – keep it professional.

And the list goes on…  You can spend WAY more than 40 hours a week on a job search, you just need to redefine what “searching for a job” means.  Just remember, it is a marathon, not a sprint race so don’t burn yourself out.  You also don’t want to take your foot off the gas.  I was talking to a client the other day who is looking for a position and I reminded them to keep everything in perspective: “You only need ONE job, just ONE and the next call, email, Tweet, post, or interaction you have with the person at Starbucks might just lead to that job.

Think of it this way… you are the product and the sales person.  If you are in sales then this makes total sense to you, if not, read my next post.  I will explain.

The Man

Good things come to those who wait.  Good things come to those who work their asses off and never give up.

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