So you applied, now what?

Assuming you did everything right your online application is now sitting in some black hole of an ATS.  You now have two choices.  Go on the offensive or wait and see if the God’s are with you.  What do you think would work better; asking someone out in person or sending them an email asking them out?  How would you even know if they received the email?  Plus, don’t most people like confident people who really want to date them?  Keep in mind this is where you start walking the line between being interested and being a stalker.  Don’t be a stalker, it’s sad and we laugh at you.

Once you apply it is now time to employ your network and/or build one.  See if you know anyone that works at the company.  Many companies have an employee referral program that will pay them from a few hundred dollars to a several thousand.  So get out there and see if anyone you know works where you want to, it can help A LOT!  Also search for people who work for the company on LinkedIn, FB, Twitter or other networking sites.  Just remember, don’t be a stalker.

If you are connecting with people you do not already know keep in mind that it is part of the interview process.  EVERYTHING is taken into consideration.  Yep, even your FB page or Twitter account but that is for another post.

Start spreading the word with posting it on your FB page, LinkedIn, Twitter account, etc…  It may be something as simple as a tweet like “Just applied for an awesome opportunity @company”  Or shooting a friend an email with something like “Just wanted to give you a head’s up that I applied for the XYZ opening at your company.  Do you know anything about the position or the department?”  If everyone you reach out to does not help you then you have other issues.  But it is likely that someone will help you.

I like to get the contact info for the HR person or the Recruiter handling the opening.  I would then email them and follow-up in a day or two with a call.  Keep in mind that you want to assume the best and be VERY understanding when you contact them.  You are selling them on a conversation with you, not on hiring you.

Just think of it this way.  If two people want to date you and they send you emails or leave you voice mails like the ones below which one would you be more interested in contacting?

  1. Hey, I sent you a message a couple of days ago and you did not call me back.  Why not?  Think you are too good for me?
  2. I sent you a message a couple of days ago asking if you would like to go out but you may not have received it, gotta love technology.  I will follow-up again tomorrow to see if you have time to meet this week.  Have a great day!

I think #2 would be the winner there but all too often candidates leave messages that are more like #1.  Don’t feel too bad for the recruiter, HR person or hiring manager but we are all trying to do our job and hire the best person for the position.  To do that there is usually a process that we follow and sometimes that process is frustrating for everyone, even us.  So put your best foot forward and start setting goals for yourself each day and week.  How many people will you network with and how many job searches will you do today?

The Man

When you walk up to opportunity’s door, don’t knock.  Kick that bitch in and introduce yourself.
Dwayne Johnson


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